Stevenson Environmental Science Students Get Hands-On Experience at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

December 4, 2024

Twelve students from Stevenson’s Environmental Science program along with Professor Mark Norris visited the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) in Edgewater, Maryland on November 13.

The students from the ENV 213 Ecology class first met with principal investigator Dr. Roy Rich to learn about the technology he uses in his ecological research laboratory. They then toured the SERC to see examples of large-scale ecological research in the field, much of which is investigating ecosystem responses to global climate change.

“Through these different projects, students were able to see research questions applied to concepts that they covered throughout the semester,” said Professor Norris.

For more news and updates about the Environmental Science program—as well as Stevenson’s other science programs—follow the Beverly K. Fine School of the Sciences on Instagram and Facebook.

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Read the original article here.


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