MICUA represents 13 state-aided private nonprofit institutions of higher education in Maryland.
25% of our students are low-income Pell recipients and 41% are students of color – and we are proud to offer over 1,700 approved academic programs and award degrees in the fields of liberal arts, STEM, nursing, engineering, teaching, cybersecurity, and more.
Over the past 5 years, we have awarded over 77,000 degrees. While receiving only 4% of the State’s investment in higher education, we serve 17% of the State’s college students and operate as net importers of talent and our graduates often stay in Maryland to join the workforce and support the economy.
For over 240 years, Maryland’s independent nonprofit colleges and universities have been an integral part of the State’s system of postsecondary education. For the past 50 years, support has been provided to our 13 state-aided institutions through the Sellinger Program.
The Program awards State aid to independent colleges through a formula linked to enrollment and to the per-student appropriation of selected four-year public institutions.
This self-adjusting formula links independent institutions in Maryland with the other segments of higher education in a cooperative partnership that stands out as a national model.
Maryland students benefit directly from the State’s generous support of the MICUA institutions through the Sellinger Program. MICUA members utilize 85-90% of this funding for financial aid to ensure that every Maryland student has access to the institution that will best meet their interests and needs.
The balance of Sellinger funding is used to promote access, success, and innovation supports and services. These include programs to: Ensure equitable access to affordable higher education; Target financial aid to those with the greatest needs; Increase diversity; Close the achievement gap; and Help the State to meet its workforce needs.
The bulk (89%) of the funding goes to financial aid, helping Maryland students access higher education every year.
The program constitutes just 4% of of the state’s education funding, but it has an outsize impact on higher education in Maryland - MICUA schools confer 27% of bachelor’s, 47% of master’s and 35% of doctoral degrees in Maryland and produce 50% of the education degrees at or above the baccalaureate level.
Significant impact on higher education in the state, particularly for low-income, minority and first-generation students, who make up over 40% of MICUA schools’ students.
Watch the video below to see how the Sellinger Program helps students, expands opportunities, and strengthens Maryland’s workforce.
The MICUA State Capital Budget request includes the following three MICUA projects for a total of $11.96 million: Hood College's Renovation of the Hodson Annex, McDaniel College's Renovation of Merritt Hall, and Stevenson University's Berman Center for Performing Arts.
Adequate funding for Pell Grants, campus-based aid, and student loans remains a top priority for Maryland’s independent colleges and universities and is essential to the future strength and competitiveness of the nation.
As Congress considers changes in this area, it must protect the essential role of federal student aid in providing access, choice, and opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students regardless of family income.
Increasing the amount of financial aid available to students. The State of Maryland has an extensive array of financial aid programs in the form of grants, scholarships, and other awards for students who want to further their education beyond high school.
For further information, contact:
One hundred and eighty-eight men and women are elected every four years to serve in the State’s legislative branch, the Maryland General Assembly. These legislators—47 Senators and 141 Delegates from 47 districts across the State—convene in an annual regular session on the second Wednesday in January and adjourn 90 calendar days later. Each year, more than 2,000 bills are introduced, including a State budget.
MICUA also advocates public policy positions and monitors legislation at the federal and State levels that impacts the higher education community. From here, you can learn about top bills impacting higher education in the State and find your legislator.
catch up on PRIORITY BILLS
Our Alumni are doing amazing things in the state legislation. Explore who represend our university members and the committees on which they serve.
meet the Senate
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Meet the House
Independent Higher Education Day is an annual event held in Maryland to recognize the partnership between the State and its independent colleges and universities. The event celebrates the contributions of these institutions to workforce development, scientific discoveries, global competitiveness, civic participation, and service to the community.
Maryland's independent higher education institutions have been working with the State for almost 250 years to expand educational opportunities, increase college access, and support local businesses.
During this special event, MICUA students and campus leaders engage in a variety of exciting activities, including meetings with legislators, presentations, and a luncheon at the Calvert House in Annapolis.
It's a time when they get to meet with local elected officials and share their experiences regarding the value of private higher education in Maryland.
The long-standing partnership between the state and Maryland's independent higher education institutions benefits Maryland students, businesses, and communities through workforce development, innovation, civic engagement, and service.