Industry Experts Showcase Career Opportunities at Capitol Technology University

October 27, 2023

Do you know what your career will be? You may know what your degree will be, but one of the most important decisions after choosing a college will be deciding your career focus. But how can you know what opportunities are out there?

What makes Capitol Technology University different from many other colleges are our career services, partnerships with industry experts, and career-focused degree programs. Students develop hands-on skills and integral knowledge to help them learn not just general studies, but skills in highly specialized concentrations. This ensures that our students are prepared when heading into the competitive job marketplace, and thus, will be in-demand with top employers who are looking for experts in these areas.

On Monday, Oct. 9th, Capitol received a special visit from Rohde & Schwarz USA, Inc. who emphasized this fact – that companies are in need of these specialists. Rohde & Schwarz (R&S) is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of Test & Measurement, Secure Communications, Monitoring and Network Testing, and Broadcasting equipment, and was founded 90 years ago. R&S has a large team of sales and application engineers throughout North America, with one of their world-class service facilities located near our campus in Columbia, Maryland, and offers extensive after-sales support for their clients.

R&S Account Manager Tom Kelchner and R&S Mid-Atlantic Sales Engineer Mackenzie Wenczkowski gave a presentation showcasing the many paths available to students who are pursuing careers in the STEM and STEM-adjacent fields. Mr. Kelchner stated that companies they work with are always looking for prospective employees who possess the unique expertise that Capitol students are learning every day. One career in specific that was highlighted was Antenna Engineering, to which Mr. Kelchner gave an in-depth overview of both the basics and more advanced topics within this science, and how a detail as small as the type of cable connection can make or break an operation. Consultation for cable length, electrical frequency, DC vs AC currents, and antenna types are just a few examples of the type of work an Account Manager with an educational background in Engineering performs. At Capitol, our Engineering students build and perform research using antennae, satellites, and ground stations regularly, making this a viable career path worth consideration.

In addition, Ms. Wenczkowksi offered a recount of her own background in Biomedical Engineering and medical devices and how she came to find an adjacent career with R&S providing test and measurement support to top tech companies. She is able to provide these companies with advice and training on equipment for their research and development across all industries because of her technical abilities, which made it possible to redirect her focus to something that better fit her career goals.

This presentation was held during a class session of Dr. Ghazy Shehata, Professor of Engineering, who was thrilled to host this visit and provide a chance for his students to hear from experts in the field. The R&S presentation demonstrated that there are many pathways to success when getting a degree in STEM, whether it be as an engineer, scientist, consultant, product manager, manufacturer, or cyber technician – all of these areas need professionals with specific expertise, and a degree from Capitol will help you get there.

Capitol Technology University offers these presentations, mentorships, and partnerships with experts in the field so that students can benefit from their real-world experiences and network for career opportunities. This is just one of many reasons to choose Capitol for your education.

Want to learn more? Sign up for a virtual open house today!

Read the original article here.


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