McDaniel College begins renovation on new Learning Commons in Hoover Library

January 2, 2025

McDaniel College begins renovations on the first floor of Hoover Library to create a new Learning Commons, integrating McDaniel’s student services, support, and resources.  

The Learning Commons combines the college’s academic deans and student success coaches, Writing CenterSTEM Center, and Student Accessibility and Support Services (SASS), with library and information technology resources. 

According to McDaniel Provost Flavius Lilly, “The Learning Commons represents McDaniel’s commitment to integrated student support and academic excellence. By uniting our key resources and services in one space, we create a collaborative environment that enhances learning and empowers every student to succeed.”

All students at McDaniel receive academic support and advising from academic deans and each first-year student is also paired with a student success coach, who serves as a guide during their first year at the college.   

McDaniel’s Writing Center and STEM Center are academic resources available to every student, regardless of major, and offer one-on-one tutoring, workshops, and events, while Student Accessibility and Support Services (SASS) provides support to students with documented disabilities.  

Additionally, all McDaniel students, as well as faculty and staff, benefit from the resources provided by the library and information technology. 

Funding for the $3.6 million project is supported by donors. Current McDaniel trustees Charles A. Boehlke Jr. ’78; Marjorie Rankin Kimble M.Ed. ’86 and Jeffrey Kimble M.Ed. ’84; Millard Mazer ’83; and Robert Pick ’92 and parent of current senior Reagan Pick; along with James Francis ’84 and the late Jean Andrews Richards ’45 and Donald Richards, have already donated towards the project with efforts underway to secure additional funds. 

The architect is Derck and Edson of Lititz, Pennsylvania, and the general contractor is Morgan Keller of Frederick, Maryland. The renovation is expected to be complete for the fall 2025 semester. 

Built in 1962, Hoover Library was first dedicated in 1975 in honor of Dr. Samuel H. Hoover, an emeritus trustee, and his wife, Elsie, and rededicated in 1989 following renovations and a new addition. The library was also renovated in 2013 through a grant from the State of Maryland with the addition of the Information Commons, student technology suites, and the Wahrhaftig Room for lectures, meetings, and other programs.

Read the original article here.


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