Goucher College to Participate in Maryland’s Groundbreaking Service Programs

February 20, 2024

Maryland Delegate Cathi Forbes has announced Goucher College as a host site for the inaugural classes of the Service Year Option and the Maryland Corps, two programs offered by the Maryland Department of Service and Civic Innovation.

In its first year of operation, the Maryland Department of Service and Civic Innovation is expanding service and volunteerism statewide, creating new pathways of service to meet community needs, enhance workforce development, and promote preparedness for both collegiate and vocational education. Roles at the host sites can range from academic tutoring, assisting in healthcare facilities, advancing public safety, to participating in environment conservation projects.

With a range of in-demand programs and small class sizes, Goucher College’s core curriculum equips students to collaboratively address complex problems, successfully navigate a global economy, and tackle humanity’s most pressing issues. Named one of the Most Innovative Colleges by U.S. News & World Report, Goucher College provides the academic and career experience that helps students become who they are meant to be. Goucher believes in the power of global education and offers flexible study abroad programs at no additional cost to further enrich student learning opportunities.

“We’re beyond excited to roll out these programs,” said Paul Monteiro, Maryland’s Secretary of Service and Civic Innovation, “they’re not just about offering opportunities but linking service, education, and job readiness into a unified, powerful experience.”

“As public servants, we believe in nurturing young leaders who can contribute to our civic life with compassion, practicality, resilience, and responsibility,” said Cathi Forbes, Maryland State Delegate. “This collaboration will offer participants the ability to identify opportunities where they can make a difference.”

“We are proud to support young people in our local community by providing experiential learning opportunities aligned with Goucher’s mission and values, and we are honored to be a part of this inaugural program,” said Kent Devereaux, Goucher College President. “Goucher recognizes the dynamic value of service and how it enriches both the student and the community — that is why our own Community Based-Learning program is integrated into our regular curriculum.”

“The launch of the Service Year Option and Maryland Corps Program represents a renewed commitment to cultivating opportunities and inspiring a spirit of service in Maryland, said Governor Wes Moore. “We’re not just launching programs; we’re connecting Marylanders to their communities and unlocking their potential in ways that will shape our collective future.”

The Service Year Option is a service opportunity for young adults who recently completed high school. Members earn at least $15 an hour and work at least 30 hours a week. Members gain both hard and soft skills through a service placement aligned with their area of interest, in addition to working with support coaches to develop and refine their post-service plans—whether they include college, career, or continued service.

Maryland Corps is a service opportunity for people of all ages. Like the Service Year Option, members earn a minimum of $15 dollars an hour working in organizations that provide job training and professional development. Program partnerships with both Maryland’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities and community colleges provide an additional level of collaboration and support for members, in addition to alignment with skilled trades and apprenticeship programs to facilitate transition into continued education or the workforce.

Following completion of their service year, participants in both programs will earn a completion award of $6,000 that may be accessed as a direct payment or as a deposit into a Maryland 529 Education Account for those pursuing their studies.

Read the original article here.


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