Four Mount Graduates Receive Teaching Awards

February 15, 2024

Friends of Catholic Education, a Frederick County-based nonprofit organization, presented its Teaching Award of Excellence at the organization’s 24th Annual Teacher Appreciation Dinner. All four recipients of the award are graduates of Mount St. Mary’s University.

Alexandra M. Albright, MAT’19, a first-grade teacher at St. Thomas More Academy; Sarah M. Harrington, MAT’18, a third-grade teacher at Mother Seton School; and Sarah E. Kubic, MAT’23, a second-grade teacher at St. John Regional Catholic School, all earned a Master of Arts in Teaching degree from the Mount. Ann Coughlin, mathematics teacher and department chair at Saint John’s Catholic Prep, was granted a post-baccalaureate certificate in instructional leadership in 2022.

Stacey Brown Hobbs, Ph.D., C’85, chair and director of teacher education, gave the keynote address at the awards dinner, held February 4. Hobbs focused her remarks on the welcoming community found in Catholic schools. The Mount’s Catholic school partners welcome the university’s teacher candidates and mentor them as they prepare for the profession. These schools also welcome Mount education graduates as teachers and leaders in their buildings, Hobbs said.

Read the original article here.


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